What’s lurking under the surface? Uncover the strategies to maximize your IDC.

Indirect Cost Summit

June 13-14, 2024 • Las Vegas, NV

Take advantage of this amazing opportunity to help your tribe save money and increase funds! Get ready to learn the most effective and current IDC negotiation strategies from our talented faculty who collectively have negotiated and litigated millions of dollars in Contract Support Costs and Indirect Costs for tribes.
We’ll instruct you on time-tested techniques for managing over-recovery carryforwards, and current negotiation points with the Interior Business Center (IBC) for IDC agreements.

We will discuss the recent court decisions regarding litigation on whether IHS must pay CSC to support a tribe’s entire federal health care program, including programs and services funded by third-party revenues such as Medicare, Medicaid, and private insurance.

We’ll review the Cook Inlet decision and Fort Defiance cases with an update on the legislative fix for IHS reviews of the duplication between CSC and the Secretarial amounts.

Come ready to learn about other legal issues on the horizon regarding indirect costs and contract support and discover how to prepare for submitting claims if the outcomes of these disputes prove successful for tribes.

We’ll take a look at BIA and IHS Contract Support policies and discuss important considerations for completing your Annual Contract Support Costs Calculations (ACC) form, and review implementation issues.

We’ll also provide you with different indirect cost scenarios and explore how the outcomes can vary depending on whether your main funding source is BIA or IHS and what your rate and exclusions are. Come ready to learn how to analyze different options and determine which one may be best for your tribe. As always, we’ll review best practices to use throughout the year.

Don’t miss your chance to access the most recent up to date information and the opportunity to discuss your tribe’s unique IDC and CSC challenges.

Who Should Attend?

This Summit is perfect for:


  • Chairpersons
  • Treasurers
  • Accountants
  • Bookkeepers
  • CFOs
  • Council Members
  • Tribal Attorneys
  • Administrators
  • Contracting Personnel
  • Finance Professionals
Topics Covered

Contract Support Costs

  • IHS CSC Policy
  • BIA CSC Policy
  • How tribes are adjusting to the new CSC policies including implementation issues, current disputes, and litigation summaries
  • Update on CSC litigation, including Becerra v. Northern Arapaho Tribe (No. 23-253) and Becerra v. San Carlos Apache Tribe (No. 23-250), two consolidated cases pending in the US Supreme Court.
  • Agency’s budgeting to meet the full funding of CSC, with a focus on 2022-2023 Appropriations
  • Annual Contract Support Costs Calculations (ACC) form, with an emphasis on Agency use of IDC Proposals, determining CSC need, distinguishing between Purchased/Referred Care Costs vs. types of on-site contract providers.

OMB Revisions

  • Avoiding the refund and retroactive rate adjustment provisions
  • How to obtain approval of time reporting internal control framework
  • Allowability of council costs
  • How to submit an indirect cost rate proposal every four years with sequential four-year indirect cost rate extensions
  • Choosing the rate needed for extensions
  • Determining “consistent costs”

Negotiations/Interior Business Center

  • Minimizing the impact when adding tribal funds to programs
  • Latest position on IBC regarding certain pool costs
  • Costs of tribal government

Rate and Exclusions Scenarios

  • Analyzing impact scenarios, including IHS/BIA-funded projects and the interaction of different rates and exclusions
  • Presenting to Tribal Council


June 12, 2024

New to Indirect Cost?
Need a refresher?
Want a better understanding of basic indirect cost principles?
Summit attendees have the option to attend this one-day
pre-summit session to help you be fully prepared for the unique complexities and strategies
you will encounter in the
following days. 


Topics Covered

Indirect cost rate calculation

Carryforward calculation

Legal basis for CSC-IDC
and DCSC

Components of the
indirect cost pool

Direct cost base exclusions
and salaries base

You are required to register for the Indirect Cost Summit in order to enroll in this Pre-Summit.

Meet our Instructors!

(Click photos for full bios)

John Friel

Geoff Strommer